Wet Felting or Needle Felting or a combination of these techniques can be used to make artful, beautiful, practical & useful articles.
Here, it all begins with a beautiful Romney fleece from one of the girls on the farm. However, I do purchase exceptional fleeces to blend with our Romney such as Merino, Corriedale, Blue-Faced Leicester and Alpaca. This roving is used for both spinning and felting giving various textures and feels.
100% Romney roving makes a thick, strong felt. Adding Corriedale gives a "spongier" feel: Merino and Alpaca a softer, less dense material.
I dye the white and natural colored roving to produce a wide choice of colors. Blends, whether white or natural collored take up color uniquely to give a "heathery" or dimensional color as opposed to a "flat" color.
Here are a few of our creations.

And here are a few projects by accomplished fiber artists using "Crazy Legs Farm" Wool.

IWe have supplied materials to several very talented fiber artists.
At left is the work of Leslie Scarborough, needle felt artist of
"The Road Less Traveled".
At right is Joy McCoola of
"Joy Woolworks", wet felt artist demonstrating at the farm during The Washington County Fiber Tour.'